When Nothing Else is Working to Feel Better Postpartum, This Could Be What You Need.

Jun 15, 2022
The Postpartum Coach Lizzie Langston

Sometimes you may have a lot of support, tools etc, but your body may be waiting for this one thing from YOU first... **Self-validation** in your brokenness, before any healing miracles begin. Tune in today to learn this form of self compassion, the why and how of it postpartum. It may melt your heart and prime you for healing and connection with yourself. JOIN LIZZIE'S 12-WEEK PROGRAM FOR POSTPARTUM WOMEN! Go here.
 Apply, then book your private, free 30-minute consult w/Lizzie using the link that comes in the confirmation email after you apply. TALK SOON!

Take the Next Step


Leave me your name and email below and I will send you the a meditation I use to calm my body.
Calming your body is the first step.

Use this meditation and notice what it does to you physically.